Friday, June 11, 2010

Final Days

Dr. David Barber of the University of Manitoba is the principal investigator of the Circumpolar Flaw Lead System Study (CFL). A flaw lead is a natural opening in sea ice which allow scientists a chance to study the otherwise frozen ocean. David's research looks at climate, marine ecosystems, contaminants greenhouse gases and carbon cycles in the Arctic Ocean.

(More to come on David's presentation)

Dr. Shari Gearheard (above) is one of the few Canadian polar scientists who lives and works in the North. Shari lives in Clyde River, Nunavut, where she's working on the Igliniit Project. For the last two years, Shari has tested and refined a pocket computer for Inuit hunters. The device allows hunters to log what they see while they're on the land. It also records hunters’ observations using a touch-screen in English and Inuktitut. The machine has icons for a variety of Arctic animals. Shari is also becoming known as an accomplished sled dog racer having recently completed the Nunavut Quest for the second time.
Here's a great link to Shari's work tp://

Dr. Bill Montevecchi is a leading seabird ecologist at Memorial University in St. John's, Newfoundland.

He says the migratory birds that return to Newfoundland and Labrador each year are being killed by oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico. Thousands of the of white gannets nest in the bluffs of Newfoundland and Quebec each spring where they lay eggs and raise their chicks.
I have some fantastic clips from Bill to come.

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