Thursday, June 10, 2010

Canadian Content

Several hundred Canadian scientists, young researchers and teachers are here. Their presentations range from plenary to posters. From understandable to outrageously academic.

Dr. David Hik (above left) is the Canada Research Chair in Northen Ecology at the University of Alberta. David's research focuses on the southwest Yukon where rapid warming is an example of how ecosystems adapt to climate change. His research looks at how climate has changed regionally over time and how alpine ecosystems are affected by this change. His work provides a past and present snapshot of the alpine areas which will improve predictions of future change. He describes this meeting of the minds as "mind blowing."

Dr. Sharon Smith (left) talked about the thermal state of permafrost in North America, with an emphasis on the east, central and western Arctic, including Alaska. Sharon is with the Geological Survey of Canada.

Suzanne Robinson (right) represents the University of Essex and works as an adult educator at Aurora College in Inuvik, NT. Her research is about cross cultural communications through film with a focus on the Beaufort Delta region. "Take it from the top" is a collection of films about the north by Northerners. Her project can be found on Facebook Films "Take it from the Top."

Tristan Pearce, seen here at the Fram Museum, works in the high Arctic. His project is Inuit vulnerability and adaptive capacity to climate change in Uluhaktok, NWT. His work is part of CAVIAR - Community Adaptation and Vulnerability in the Arctic, led by Dr. Barry Smith. Tristan is with the University of Guelph. The soft-spoken but gregarious researcher is also the proud owner of a Fort McPherson canvas tent.

This page will be continually updated.

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